Android 14 Features Revealed Check Now

By Nitin Chavhan

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The official logo of the Android 14 is very unique. It’s very similar to the Apollo 14 path. The Easter Egg is all about the space travel.

1. The Logo

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The Android 14 supports larger font size as compared to Android 13. You can scale the font size upto 200%. In Android 13, you could only scale upto 130%.

2. Font Size

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You can now see the notifications by the camera flash and display to light up.

3. Notifications

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Android 14 introduces a range of enhancements aimed at optimizing battery performance.

4. Battery Performance

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Android 14 introduces a significant change compared to Android 13 which will not allow the installation of older Android apps. This is the next step towards the security and protection.

5. Installation of Older Apps

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In Android 13 and prior versions, when an app requests access to your photos and videos, you can simply choose yes or no. In Android 14, however, you have got more control. You can now selectively grant access to specific photos and videos through the permission notification.

6. Storage Permission

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When you install any app and accepts terms and conditions, and if the app changes the policies, you will get notified about the change in privacy policy with the pop up.

7. Data sharing Updates

Credit : Google Images

You can already customize your home screen with the features like wallpapers, widgets, icons, etc. But now in Android 14, you can also customize your lockscreen more efficiently.

8. Customize lockscreen

Credit : Google Images

App cloning is now possible in Android 14, you can use the app with the different accounts at the momen.

9. App Cloning

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